March SAC Meeting

The senior leadership group of the Montgomery County Democratic Party met in Porter to discuss Party business and solicit input from local precinct chairs.

Candidate recruitment was one of the first items on the agenda. County Chair Marc Meyer expressed the need for the local party to start building a bench of people who have run campaigns and who are prepared to run future campaigns. The need for more long-term campaign planning was also discussed in reference to candidates who are considering running on the Party’s ticket in the future.

Party Secretary Griffin Winkworth discussed the need to ramp up and further develop the Party’s fundraising apparatus. Winkworth spoke about the need to grow the Sustaining Membership Program and to also develop a more formal structure and timeline for fundraising events. The start of this push will be the Finance Committee meeting on March 28th at 7pm.

Deputy Chair Courtney Frost-Tadlock spoke about upcoming precinct chair and volunteer training. Frost-Tadlock and Winkworth will be working to further develop the precinct chair training in an effort to make working in precincts as practical and straight-forward as possible.

Sergeant-At-Arms James Barron discussed the need for the Party to develop and improve its message to the voters of Montgomery County. Along this same line, the Montgomery County Democratic Party has created a Communications Committee. The job of this committee will be to create a message, as well as manage the various communication platforms within the Party.

We had two individuals present at this meeting who show a sincere interest in running for office. We fully intend to support these individuals throughout the campaign process.